
Finding and accessing the world’s leading e-Learning software and e-Learning resources just got easier with the new Lectora domain. Starting today, becomes where you can now access e-Learning webinars, video tutorials, community forum, e-Learning news, blogs, tips and other helpful resources easier than ever before. Now, you and your fellow Lectora users in more than 125 countries can find all their favorite tools and e-Learning resources with one easy to remember web address.“It should come as no surprise that most people know us by our flagship product name, Lectora. The switch to makes it simpler for our users to search for valuable information about the product they know and love,” said Peter Bray, Chief Marketing Officer at Trivantis Corporation. “While the switch to the new domain will be seamless to our existing users, our hope is this new destination makes it easier for the thousands of new visitors who seek us out each month.”When you visit, you will now be automatically redirected to This will not affect your experience and no information on the site will change. You will still find the same valuable resources and information for Lectora and e-Learning on, the “Everything for e-Learning Place.”While you’re here, take advantage of all the great ways to enrich your Lectora development: