Changing the type of progress bar

You can select from three types of progress bars that you can add to project. Each type is different in its functionality.

To specify the type of progress bar:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. In the Type group, click Type to select the type of progress bar from the list. Choose from the following options:


    Creates a custom progress bar with a specified range and step size.

    Use the Range field to specify the total range of the progress bar. Use the Step Size field to specify the increment size within the progress bar. To associate a variable with the progress bar, make a selection using the Variable list. The variable will contain the current value of the slider and whether the slider will use this value for its initial value when the progress bar is created. Additionally, the variable can be retained so that the progress bar maintains its state between sessions. You can select to associate this progress bar with an existing variable, a new variable, or no variable. Custom progress bars must be set or incremented manually using the Set Progress and Step Progress actions.

    See also: Selecting an action


    Creates a progress bar based on time with a specified total time and increment.

    Use the Total Time field to specify the total time for the progress bar. This is the amount of time it will take to completely fill or empty the progress bar. Use the Increment field to specify the frequency with which the progress bar will increment. For example, if the increment value is 2, the progress bar will increment every 2 seconds. The progress bar can be set to automatically start or can be started using the Play action. Enable the Auto Start check box to automatically start the progress bar. It can be stopped using the Stop action, and an On Done Playing action can be added to the progress bar to execute once the Total Time has elapsed.

    See also: Selecting an action's trigger

    Table of Contents

    Creates a progress bar that automatically tracks progress through a project in accordance with the chapters, sections, and pages that are included in a table of contents. That is, the progress bar will increment on every page that is included in a table of contents. It is not necessary for a table of contents to exist within a project for use of this functionality.

    Use the Scope (when available) from the Table of Contents group. Choose from the following options:

    For the entire project

    The table of contents will include all chapters, sections and pages in the entire project.

    For this chapter

    The table of contents will only include the sections and pages contained in the current chapter.

    For this section

    The table of contents will only include the sub-sections and pages contained in the current section.

    Click Included Pages to remove chapters, sections, and pages from the table of contents-view. By default, all chapters, sections and pages within project are included in a table of contents. In the Included Pages window, expand the contents of the project by clicking the plus sign graphics to reveal the chapter, section, or page that you want to remove. Click the corresponding Show graphic so that it changes to the Exclude graphic. This will exclude the chapter, section, or page from the table of contents. When you are finished, click OK.

    See also: Working with tables of contents

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