Specifying publish messages preferences

You can specify the type of messages that are displayed during an error check. Selections made here will determine the information that is displayed during an error check initiated from the Tools menu or by publishing. For example, you can select to show warnings for large resources or when Flash overlapping occurs. You can also select to display a warning for unused resources and variables and whether the unused resources and variables should be removed.

To determine which publish messages should be displayed during an error check:

  1. Select Lectora Preferences from the File ribbon. The Preferences window opens.

  2. Click the Publish Messages tab.

  3. Select the Show only errors and warnings check box if you want informational messages (displayed in black) to be omitted from the Publish and Error Check windows.

  4. Select the Show HTML Warnings check box to enable the selection of HTML-specific warnings. Select from the following warning options:

  5. Show warnings for resource sizes Select this to display warnings for any resources used within the title that are larger than 128Kb in size.
    Show warnings for unused resources/variables Select this to display warnings for the variables and resources (images, audio, video, and so on) that are not used within the title. This can occur with resources that were added to the title but then later deleted. The program will ask during the error-check process if those unused resources and variables should be removed. This happens during an error check; not the publish process.
    Show Flash overlap warnings Select this to display warnings if Flash overlapping occurs.
  6. Click OK.

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