Using Characters in Your Online Training

Characters allow you to create an emotional connection with your learner and build a story around the character. This gives your learner something to engage with. Characters are also great for presenting realistic scenarios. In addition, you can use a character to:

  • Guide your learner through the course
  • Present lesson content in an engaging way
  • Pose questions and spark reflection
  • Offer tips to your learner
  • Generate a conversational tone

For example, in this sample e-Learning course offered in Lectora® University, a character is used as a guide and to offer tips throughout the course.

Monique is introduced in the beginning as the hostess of the cooking themed course. Later in the course, the learner can click on her picture to bring up tips.

Selecting the Right Character ImageIn the Lectora Media Library, you have hundreds of characters and poses to choose from. Every character image in the Lectora Media Library already has the background removed, so it’s easy for you to insert your chosen character into any scene and add your own backgrounds behind the character.Keep in mind your target audience as you’re selecting a character to include. Some factors to consider include:

  • Occupation
  • Office dress code
  • Ethnic diversity
  • Gender of learners
  • Global vs. local use

You want to select a character that your learners can connect with. Once you’ve chosen a character, let your imagination do the rest. Create a backstory and personality for your character and watch your e-Learning come to life!For more tips on graphics, e-Learning and creating awesome online training courses,subscribe to the Lectora e-Learning Blog!