5 Reasons Why Distance Learning Has Been Around for Centuries

Think distance learning is a recent invention? Actually—it’s not. Distance learning has been around for centuries. One early instructor was Caleb Phillips in 1728; he advertised private correspondence courses in shorthand in the Boston Gazette. Another one was Isaac Pitman in 1840, who taught shorthand to students around the city of Bath, England.So what’s the attraction to distance learning? You’re about to find out. These are 5 awesome benefits of distance learning that have kept it in practice for centuries:

  1. Students can learn at their own paces.Online training is great because students can work as fast as they want. They can also take more time to complete a program, for example, if they’re busy already in their everyday work and can’t drop everything to attend training classes.
  2. Flexible times, hooray!With distance learning, you don’t have to worry about conflicting schedules or time zones, which is often a problem when you’re coordinating training with employees in offices throughout the world.
  3. No more travel limitations.Traveling for training can be a hassle. It interrupts everyday work and can get expensive when your employees are training regularly. Distance learning solves the travel problem!
  4. Learners aren’t chained to a desk. Many organizations are taking their training on the go with mobile learning. And with a solution like Lectora® Mobile, learners can access training materials anywhere, anytime!
  5. It’s only become easier over the years. When you’re using a great learning management system, it’s easy to keep track of courses, due dates and how your students are doing. Want to try it yourself? Sign up for a free 30 day trial of CourseMill® LMS.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to implement distance learning at your organization. Plus, it’s easy with Your Everything for e-Learning Place—we’re here to help you with all your distance learning needs! Just email us at Info@Lectora.com. We’d love to hear from you.Subscribe to the Lectora e-Learning Blog for more distance learning tips and industry trends!